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Updated: Oct 18, 2022


Module 3 which revolves around spaces and expanse is a time I learned many things about drawing. Building spaces, filling it with objects, making proper sense of scale, etcetra.

At start when faculty told us a place to draw where you feel comfortable, freedom I had a rough vision of drawing my gallery with plants and curtains and air. But then I suddenly had this thought, am I really free in my home. Obviously no. Following this stream of thought, got an another perception ,I should draw the place where I sleep, play, listen and can abuse my friends howmuchsoever I want without feeling awkward.

I love this place equally as much as I like my own home.

When it came to drawing this space I was not really worried because its a very interesting place with lots of material in it which can be drawn.

While I made the very first drawing of the module I had many ideas and different viewing angles. I am kind of satisfied with the module cause I executed my ideas, not in their best form but now I know how to make them look good.

Making a total of 10 sheets of drawing I'd like to conclude this module with a 6 A3 sheets stuck together.

Whenever I’m elsewhere, all I think about is going home. The chaos, people out there are frustrating and therefore all I do is sit in this house, talk nonsense with my friends and then when alone increase the volume till I don’t hear my own voices.


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